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南沙群岛在线 南沙群岛书籍 国外出版的书籍更新日期: 2005-11-08 11:04

Law of the Sea in East Asia: Issues and prospects by Zou Keyuan

Title: Law of the Sea in East Asia: Issues and prospects
Author: Zou Keyuan
Published by: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London & New York
Year: 2005
ISBN: 0-45-35074-3
Copyright: 2005 Zou Keyuan
Pages: 240 pages
Cover: law_of_the_sea_in_east_asia-cover by Zou Keyuan
List of tables............ix
Preface ..................xi
List of abbreviations.....xv
Introduction ...............1
Part I Compliance with the law of the sea ...11
1 Maintaining the marinelegal order in East Asia ...13
2 Basic marine laws of mainland China and Taiwan: comparisons & reginal implications ...31
Part II Territorial disputes and maritime boundary delimitation ...45
3 The Chinese traditional maritime boundary line in the South China Sea and its legal consequences .....47
4 Dispute over the Scarborough Reef ...61
5 Maritime boundary delimitation in the Gulf of Tonkin ...71
Part III Fishery management ...87
6 Sino-Japanese joint fishery management in the East China Sea ...89
7 Sino-Vietnamese Fishery Agreement in the Gulf of Tonkin ...109
Part IV Safety of navigation and maritime security ...121
8 Redefining the legal status of the Taiwan Strait ...123
9 Crackdown on piracy in the South China Sea and Prospects for regional cooperation ...140
Part V Neglected issues in the law of the sea ...155
10 Maritime historic rights and China's practice ...157
Appendix I: Fishery Agreement between the People's Republic of China and Japan ...175
Appendix II: Agreement on Fishery Cooperation in the Beibu Gulf between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam...181
Notes ...190
Bibliography ...229
Index ...234

Tables ...3
1.1 Contracting parties to the LOS Convention in East Asia and their maritime claims...3
1.2 Selected marine laws of the People's Republic of China...4
1.3 Bilateral maritime agreements in East Asia...5
3.1 Foreign legislation and proclamations affecting the Chinese traditional maritime line in the South China Sea...54

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