南沙群岛地图-1935 中国分省新图(申报六十周年纪念-35年版)广东省地图,管辖海南岛和南海诸岛屿,南海地图(2005-05-20日南沙群岛在线整理)
说明:1935 中国分省新图(申报六十周年纪念-35年版)广东省地图和南海地图,广东当时管辖海南岛和南海诸岛屿,当时对于南海诸岛的地名的称法与现在不完全一致,根据1935年
称东沙群岛为东沙岛,后来才改为现在的对东、西、中、南四沙群岛的称法。 -------- English Description: 1935 Map of China (published by Shenbao Publishing House), Map of Guangdong Province, Map of Nanhai Islands (South Sea Islands, then under the Administration of Guangdong Province Government together with Hainan Island in 1935). In 1935 China published a document of "Chinese and English Names of Nanhai (South China Sea) Islands and a detailed map showing the coordinates of the four major island groups in the South China Sea after a survey. The four islands at that time are Xisha Islands (Paracel Islands, Paracels, now stilled called the same name), Dongsha Island (Now Dongsha Islands), Nansha Islands (Macclesfield Islands, now called Zhongsha Islands, Zhōngshā Qúndǎo in Pinyin), and Tuansha Islands (Spratlys, Spratly Islands, now called Nansha Islands). This map clearly shows that China has long put these Islands under administration of Guangdong Province even before countries like the Philippines and Malaysia, Brunei were founded. 地图图片
地图来源 中国分省新图(申报六十周年纪念-35年版)
出版社:申报馆(第一版:1933.8.16;第二版:1934;第三版:1936.8.10;第五版: 1948.7.1)
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