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<<南中国海上的岛屿争端:西沙-南沙-东沙-中沙>> (Disputed Islands in the South China Sea: Paracels, Spratlys, Pratas, Macclesfield Bank),by Dieter Heinzig,Wiesbaden 1976 Institute of Asian Affairs in Hamburg. (2004-07-18加入南沙群岛在线,2005-07-13更新) 内容简介 该书是德国学者Dieter Heinzig 1976年在汉堡所发表。这是西方最早较详尽的研究南海岛屿纠纷的著作之一。 目录 Abbreviations Introduction Chapter I: Geography 1. Terminology 2. General Remarks on the Disputed Archipelagos 3. The Archipelagos in Detail Paracel Group Spratly Group Pratas Group Macclesfield Bank Chapter II: Occupation of Islands Prior to World War II and the Claims Involved 1. Developments up to the End of the 19th Century China's Relations to the Islands Vietnam's Relations to the Islands 2. Developments Between the End of 19th Century and World War II First Chinese Attempts at Acquiring Sovereignty Acquisition of the Spratlys and Paracels by France and Japan Chapter III: Occupation of Islands Since World War II and the Claims Involved 1. The Actual Development First Chinese Occupation of Islands After the End of the War Developments on the Pratas Developments on the Paracels Developments in the Spratly Region 2. Diplomatic Events The First Claims Raised The Regulation of Island Issue in the San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1951 and the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty of 1952 The Behaviour of Some of the Signatories Following the Conclusion of the Peace Treaties Renewal of Claims After the Conclusion of the Peace Treaties Appendix Chart 1: The Disputed South China Sea Archipelagos Chart 2: The Boundaries in the South China Sea as Drawn by Peking Chart 3: The Boundaries in the South China Sea as Drawn by Taipei Chart 4: The Paracel Islands Chart 5: The Region Where Fighting Took Place on Jan 19 and 20, 1974: The Crescent Group (Paracel Islands) Chart 6: The Amphitrite Group (Paracel Islands) Chart 7: The Spratly Islands Chart 8: Tizard Bank (Spratly Islands): Itu Aba I., Nam yit I., Sand Cay Chart 9: Spratly Island Chart 10: Pratas Island Chart 11: Macclesfield Bank Chart 12: Positions of the "Republic of Luconia" 欢迎介绍书籍和发表书评
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